Geographical location
Connecting to Highway 1A
Soil conditions:
Elevation above sea level:
Weather condition:
How the big city and how much Km:
20km to Nha Trang City
Distance to Central Province:
20km to Nha Trang City
How much nearest airport Km:
35km to Cam Ranh Internation Airport
How much Railway Station Km:
Distance to the nearest river port:
Nearest seaport how many km:
20km to Nha Trang City
Traffic road
Near the main road connected to the National Route 1A the rational feeders full transportation system is convenient to transport activities.
Main road system (width, number of lanes): 50m, 4 lanes
Internal road system (width, number of lanes): 22m, 2lanes
Substation 110KV 25MVA,
Wastewater treatment
Maximum treatment capacity (m3/day): 5000m3/day
Garbage disposal
Training School
Housing for workers
Contact Information
Telecommunication system is available for both national and international connecting through telephone, mobile phone, fax and internet
Other add-ons
Investment advisory services plant Construction Bonded, Warehousing. labor training Import / export services, international trade logistics, transportation, business management, insurance, banking, technology transfer. Management consulting
Planning area
136.7 (ha)
Area available for rent
The area available for rent (m2 or hectare):
+ Free area: 92.05 ha
+ Factory area: 92.05 ha
Smallest leasable area
0 (m2)
8.5 USD/m2
According to EVN's price
Land lease
Management fee
0.4 USD/m2
Electricity price
Peak hours: 0.1 USD
Normal hours: 0.05 USD
Idle hours: 0.03 USD
water price
Water cost: 8,500 VND/m3
Cost of wastewater treatment
Treatment cost (m3): 3,000 – 38,300 VND/m3
Solid waste disposal fee
Preferential corporate income tax
Preferential import tax
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