Geographical location
On highway No1A, near to North-South strainline
Soil conditions:
Elevation above sea level:
Weather condition:
How the big city and how much Km:
18 Km from Vinh to the north
Distance to Central Province:
How much nearest airport Km:
12 km from Vinh airport
How much Railway Station Km:
17 km from Vinh station and 2 km from Quan Hanh station
Distance to the nearest river port:
Nearest seaport how many km:
18 Km from Vinh to the north
Traffic road
The central roads system: 43m wide The interior road systems: 22.25m – 43m wide Linked to exterior transportation network as the national route 1A, Nam Cam – Cua Lo highway, North-South railway
total capacity: 21.5 MVA current power source: 110/35/22 KV
obtained from water plant of Vinh city by Φ500 pipe system secondary pump with capacity at 17.500 m3 /day
Wastewater treatment
Waste water is treated locally at each plants (at C level - TCVN 5945-195), discharged to the general treatment area of IP by separate pipe system. capacity of 2x2000m3 / day. Wastewater after being treated up to level B(TCVN 5945-195), is pumped to lakes, and then to Cam river.
Garbage disposal
Training School
Housing for workers
Contact Information
systems of optical cable and wired lines Nam Cam Post Office is next to Industrial Park
Other add-ons
services: housing, healthcare, trading, school ...
Planning area
Area available for rent
79 (ha)
Area A: 416.3 ha
Area B: 122.7 ha
Area C: 154.7 ha
Area D: 1220.9 ha
The total area (m2 or hectare):
Factory area: 174 ha
Smallest leasable area
30000 (m2)
- Area A: 97.91% (15 projects) - Area B: 87.58% (15 projects) - Area C: 100% (38 projects) - Area D: 1% (1 project)
Land lease
Management fee
2,071 VND (~ 0.09 USD) /m2/year (for Area C)
Electricity price
Peak hours: 0.13 USD/KWh
Normal hours: 0.08 USD/KWh
Idle hours: 0.05 USD/KWh
water price
2,071 VND (~ 0.09 USD) /m2/year (for Area C)
Cost of wastewater treatment
Treatment cost (m3): 9,568 VND (~0.45 USD)/m3 (for all area)
Solid waste disposal fee
Preferential corporate income tax
Preferential import tax
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