Hoa Khanh Industrial Park was established under Decision No. 343/QD-TTg dated April 18, 1998 of the Prime Minister. 
The total current area is 393.99 hectares (according to Decision No.4817/QD-UB dated July 17, 2015 of the People's Committee of Da Nang City). 

Geographical location
Soil conditions:
Elevation above sea level:
Weather condition: The climate is tropical monsoon, high temperature and little fluctuation. The average annual temperature is about 25.6ºC, the highest one is June (29.2ºC), the lowest one is February (21.2ºC).
How the big city and how much Km: 10 Km from Danang City center
Distance to Central Province: 10 Km from Danang City center
How much nearest airport Km: 10 Km from Danang International Airport
How much Railway Station Km: 10 Km from the national North-South railway station
Distance to the nearest river port:
Nearest seaport how many km: 10 Km from Danang City center
Traffic road
Main road system (width, number of lanes): 34.50m Internal road system (width, number of lanes): 16.50m
National Power System (110KV, 220KV ...): 80 MVA
Water volume (m3/day): 30.000m3/day
Wastewater treatment
Garbage disposal
Training School
The fire prevention plan in the industrial park has been approved by the Fire Prevention and Fighting Police
Contact Information
Telecommunication systems and international standards are always ready to meet the communication needs
Other add-ons
Internet: Standard Internet is provided by major carriers such as Viettel; VNPT; FPT ensuring fast and smooth communication both domestically and internationally.
Acreage & Status quo
Planning area
132.6 (ha)
Area available for rent
The area available for rent (m2 or hectare): + Free area: 0.9 ha + Factory area: 6.9 ha
Smallest leasable area
1000 (m2)
100 %
110 USD/m2
Rent cost: 110 USD/m2
Land lease
Management fee
0.4 USD/m2/year
Electricity price
Peak hours: 0.1 USD Normal hours: 0.05 USD Idle hours: 0.03 USD
water price
Water cost: 0.37/m3
Cost of wastewater treatment
Treatment cost (m3): 0.37 – 0.92 USD/ m3
Solid waste disposal fee
Preferential corporate income tax
Preferential import tax
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General information
Hoa Khanh Bac Ward, Hoa Lien & Hoa Son Commune, Lien Chieu District, Da Nang City.
The priority areas: Information technology, biotechnology, automation technology and mechatronics, new materials technology; Environmental friendly industries, supporting industries in the field of mechanics, precision engineering, electricity - electronics; High quality service sectors, especially trade, tourism, logistics, health and education. (Decision No. 4286/QĐ-UBND on 4/7/2016)
Time began to come into operation: 2004
Uptime: 25/03/2054
Industrial Investor
Company name: Saigon-Danang Investment Corporation (SDN)
Address:: 61 A Nguyen Van Cu Street, Lien Chieu District, Da Nang City
Phone: (84-236) 3 770 998
Fax: (84-236) 3 770 997
Website: www.dananginvest.com
Contact Us
Ms. Le Thi Yen Nhi
Business Director
(84) 908 312 030
(84) 908 312 030
yennhi.sdn@gmail.com/ nhi.le@dananginvest.com
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Vietnam maps showing administrative units, sources of critical raw materials and industrial zones locations.