Geographical location
Soil conditions:
Elevation above sea level:
Weather condition:
How the big city and how much Km:
200km (HCMC)
Distance to Central Province:
How much nearest airport Km:
How much Railway Station Km:
Distance to the nearest river port:
Nearest seaport how many km:
Land lease
Management fee
0.05 米ドル/平方メートル/年
Electricity price
ピーク時: 0.13 USD/KWh
通常時間: 0.08 USD/KWh
オフピーク時間: 0.05 USD/KWh
water price
上水価格: 0.45USD/m3
Cost of wastewater treatment
水処理価格 (m3): 0.25 - 0.85 USD/m3
Solid waste disposal fee
Preferential corporate income tax
Preferential import tax
VAT Deals
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